
Practices to promote fertility in Bulgaria

December 5, 2022, Sofia The Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association (BFPA) presented the results of a nationally representative survey conducted by KANTAR. The study was conducted in August 2022, among a sample of 836 people from the adult population and analyzed the measures that would positively affect the birth rate.

ПРОМЯНАТА – кратка и дълга версия

Кратката версия на филма „Промяната“, проследяващ хода на проекта „Моето тяло, моите права“, подкрепен от програмата „MSD за майките“. През проекта предоставяме здравни услуги и изграждаме капацитет в и заедно с ромските общности в Монтана, Ямбол, община Тунджа и кв. Факултета. Хората са в центъра на вниманието ни, както и добрите практики.автор и режисьор – Мария Василеваоператори – Михаил ГеоргиевСтепан …

Barometer 2013 – Key conclusions and recommendations

Focus: BulgariaBarometer of Women’s Access to Modern Contraceptive Choice in 10 EU Countries is the name of the survey that was presented in the European Parliament in June 2013. BFPA translated in Bulgarian and published the survey around 26 September – the World Contraception Day.

Barometer 2015 – Call for Action

The research in 16 EU countries of women’s access to modern contraception was presented at the European Parliament in September 2015. The part of the research with focus on Bulgaria was translated with the active participation of BFPA.

20 years of expertise and innovation

An edition for the 20th anniversary of the Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association

25 of the things we achieved for 25 years

Informatonal edition for BFPA’s 25th anniversary