BFPA and DUREX Together for Reproductive Health In a Campaign in Schools


Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association (BFPA) and DUREX jointly conduct a health information campaign in secondary schools. The initiative, consisting of two parts – health-educational talks in classes and meetings of two influencers with the graduates of the 9th and 10th grades – started at the end of 2023 and continues until the end of the 2024 calendar year. The focus of health education talks is on basic knowledge about health prevention and reproductive health, combined with discussions with students about personal responsibility and their behavior when in relationships with an intimate partner. Students feel free to ask questions about the topics that interest them. The event with the participation of the two popular influencers Melina and Elyasa gives young people the opportunity to hear health messages about prevention and responsible behavior in a casual and memorable way from young people close to their age who are famous in their circles. During the events and talks, students gain important knowledge about maturation and reproductive health and reflect with educators and influencers on different cases that make them think. The most active receive small incentive prizes. To date, the campaign has reached more than 3,100 students in schools in Sofia, Stara Zagora, Pleven and Kazanlak, and everywhere the students welcome us with great interest, and the teachers and psychologists with whom we are in contact define the benefits of these meetings as undoubted.

Part of the campaign is in YouTube

  • What we say to students and what we talk about:
  • What happens during maturation? Why is hygiene important and why is it important to see a doctor if we have a problem?
  • How not to ruin our future with unreasonable actions? About first thrills and the importance of consent in intimate relationships. How and why to say ‘NO’ in some cases?
  • What should we do to avoid problems?
  • What do condoms protect against?
  • About the features of some of the main sexually transmitted infections.
  • What does ‘prevention’ mean? How much does it cost to protect and how much would it cost to treat?
  • Interrupted intercourse – why is it not a good option…?
  • What influences whether we make the right decision at certain times?
  • Why is it not good to overdo the emergency pill? What are its side effects?
  • How many people get sick in the world in a year from sexually transmitted infections?
  • How are condoms for anal and vaginal sex different?
  • Why is it important to respect our partner’s opinion?
  • About the difference in the two’s point of view…
  • Is it a matter of negotiation whether to use a condom?
  • Who buys condoms from the pharmacy?
  • What do we do if the boy doesn’t have a condom with him?
  • How do we put it right and why should the direction not be confused?
  • Infections – how to prevent them and what to do if they do occur?
  • On the need and importance of regular preventive examinations after starting sexual life.
  • On the importance of boys doing self-exams and being alert for testicular growths.
  • About preejaculation and the risks of unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.
  • For diseases that are transmitted through oral sex.
  • About the availability of different sizes and types of condoms.
  • To know what is important to maintain their reproductive health in their younger years, as well as how to take care of their general health throughout life.
  • That the ‘more gifted’ actors of the movies should not be considered as a benchmark.
  • About the importance of attention and respect between the two in the relationship.
  • For the specific needs of boys and girls, for the understanding that partners should show to each other…
  • The symptoms may be the same or even absent, but the causes may be different.
  • Most infections can be cured, the point is to be diagnosed in time.
  • What is the difference between HIV and AIDS and where can we get tested?
  • Why, if one of the partners has complaints, should the other be examined and, if necessary, treated?
  • Our reproductive system is vulnerable to irresponsible behavior and some untreated infections.
  • Why is it not good to try to solve a health problem with the help of Google?
  • Why is it good to talk about the topics at home, calling things by their names, and not letting the topic remain taboo?
  • Why is it important to use contraception and why the condom is one of the best options?
  • That infections are not written on a person’s forehead, and there can be no question of any trust when it is most important to preserve our health.
  • On the importance of maintaining personal boundaries in moments of intimate communication.
  • About the need to go to the doctor ON TIME, because: the earlier a disease is detected, the more likely it is to be successfully cured.
  • The most important thing in our life is health. Whatever else we have, we cannot be happy and enjoy it if we are not healthy.

What do students ask us? Here are some questions from past events:

  • How do you determine when ovulation is and can you trust phone apps?
  • Why can’t the condom unfold well from both sides?
  • How do we know what condom we need? Why is the thickness different?
  • Where can we buy, how much do they cost and how can my girlfriend and I get vaccines against Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)?
  • Can we get HIV from a mosquito?
  • How to put on a condom correctly?
  • Can you get pregnant from anal sex?
  • Aren’t PCR tests just for COVID?
  • Is a colored pregnancy dangerous?
  • What to do if HIV is detected? Can a person have children?
  • How can a woman get pregnant if a man doesn’t cum inside her?
  • What is candidiasis?
  • How do pubic lice get ‘hooked’?
  • What is a ‘rectum’?
  • How can there be children who died from HIV? How are they infected?
  • Who should take care of condoms – the boy or the girl?
  • Isn’t it enough when a woman has IUD?
  • What are the dangers of oral sex?
  • What diseases are sexually transmitted?
  • Why put on a condom before ejaculation…?!
  • How to respect boundaries?
  • What is the average penis length for Bulgaria?
  • Do you think watching porn gets in the way?
  • What is the difference between cheaper and more expensive condoms?
  • At what age is it normal for a person to start having sex?
  • Why should relatives not enter into intimate relationships and form families?
  • What to do with white discharge?
  • How safe and effective is the so-called ‘emergency pill’?
  • Is there a reason why doctors have such illegible handwriting?
  • What is the HPV vaccination coverage in our country?