
BFPA supports common human values and believes in social justice. A key element in our policies is the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults. We promote progressive policies that support people living with HIV (PLHIV) and oppose the existence of conflicts of interest. We work to create a safe environment for volunteers, with an emphasis on their empowerment …

Policy for protecting and supporting children, young people and vulnerable adults

The Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association (BFPA) as a member of the International Planned parenthood Federation (IPPF) and of the National Network for Children (NNC) has among its core values to support, strengthen and promote the protection of children, young people and vulnerable adults.

Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association (BFPA)
Policy for protecting and supporting children, young people and vulnerable adults


The Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association (BFPA) as a member of the International Planned parenthood Federation (IPPF) and of the National Network for Children (NNC) has among its core values to support, strengthen and promote the protection of children, young people and vulnerable adults.
A key element in working to safeguard the welfare of all children young people and vulnerable adults is the promotion of their rights to:
• have their health, safety and well-being, and their best interests considered at all levels of work
• have their welfare and development promoted and safeguarded so that they can achieve their full potential
• be valued, respected and understood within the context of their own culture, religion and ethnicity, and to have their needs identified and met within this context and within the context of their family wherever possible
• be listened to and to have their views given careful consideration, and to be encouraged and helped to participate in decisions which affect them.This policy is applied in harmony with the other policies of BFPA and as integral part of the strategic plan of the organization and in the light of its mission and strategic goals – to work for the improvement of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) in Bulgaria and to create conditions for realization of the Sexual and Reproductive Rights (SRHR) of everyone. Policy and procedures

1. The purpose of this policy is to provide a set of guiding principles and minimum standards for creating a safe environment for children, young people and vulnerable adults at all levels of work of BFPA ;
2.  The policy applies to all BFPA staff, members and volunteers. As a natural follow-up of this, individuals, experts, NGO employees and organizations, which have a contractual relationship with BFPA will share this policy and may access the training made available under this policy.
3  BFPA will only collaborate with an institution or other organization that agrees with the standards and principles of BFPA on protection of children, young people and vulnerable adults;
4  Safe recruitment supportive supervision and monitoring processes will be ensured for all staff members who will be working with children, young people and vulnerable adults;
5  A protection code of conduct must be acknowledged by all members of BFPA whatever their status is, including all staff, volunteer and consultants;


1 BFPA  recognizes that, as rights-holders, children, young people and vulnerable adults are entitled to access sexual and reproductive health information and services and to do so in ways that keep them safe from abuse or exploitation.
2 BFPA does not tolerate any type of abuse or exploitation towards any child, young person or vulnerable adult and commits to ensuring that all staff are made aware of, and supported in, their responsibilities to prevent abuse and protect children, young people and vulnerable adults.
3.BFPA considers that adults, parents, guardians, carers, service providers, educators and others who work with children, young people and vulnerable adults are duty-bearers in relation to their sexual rights and have a responsibility to ensure that the rights of children, young people and vulnerable adults are met.
4 BFPA believes that creating a safe environment for all children, young people and vulnerable adults requires the cooperation of all staff members of BFPA and its partners.

Six Main Principles are guiding BFPA work with children and young people:

1.Child rights based.
2. Child participation.
3. Non-discrimination.
4. Best interest.
5. Respecting and building on strengths.
6. Do no harm!


Child is any person under 18 years of age.
Young person is everyone aged between 18 and 25 years.
Vulnerable adult is anyone over the age of 25, who has been a victim of torture, rape or other forms of psychological, physical or sexual violence; every person with disabilities; any person with special needs; everyone, unable for some reason to care for him/herself.
Internal organizational child protection is the responsibility that BFPA team have to ensure the activities and programs implemented by the organization are not harmful to children, are not putting them at risk of abuse and all concerns regarding the safety of children in the communities where we work, if necessary, are reported to the relevant departments.
„Do not harm” concerns the responsibility of the organization „not to harm”, or to reduce the harm, that can be caused unintentionally as a result of not appropriate design and /or implementation of activities, projects and programmes.

Definitions on harm and abuse:

Physical abuse

Actual or potential physical abuse caused by a person – child or adult. May include hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, combustion or burning, drowning, strangling, or any other physical injury to a child and / or youth including falsification of symptoms or intentional deterioration of health.

Sexual abuse

Includes forcing or luring a child, young person or vulnerable adult to sexual activities, whether familiar or not with what is happening. These actions can include physical contact, including invasive or non-invasive actions. They can also include involvement of children, young people and vulnerable adults in watching or producing of pornographic materials or encouraging them to behave inappropriately.

Sexual exploitation of children, young people and vulnerable adults

Forms of sexual abuse, that includes children, young people and vulnerable adults, involved in sexual activities for money, presents, food, shelter, endearment, status quo or something else they or their families need. This form of abuse can be connected with manipulating, befriending them, winning their trust and providing access to alcohol and drugs. This type of abusing interrelations between victim and perpetrator are based on misbalance of power where the opportunities for the victim are quite limited. This form of abuse can be wrongly understood by children and adults as interrelations based on mutual consent.

Sexual exploitation of children, young people and vulnerable adults appears in different ways. It can include perpetrator, exercising financial, emotional or physical control over infant, minor or adult. It can include also peers manipulating or encouraging the victim to sexual activity in some cases in the frame of a gang or neighborhood. This form can appear also via organized network of perpetrators who receive financial benefits from trafficking people in different locations, so that to participate in sexual activities with a large number of people.


Depending on the context, resources and circumstances the neglecting and disparagement can be defined as a constant failure in meeting the basic physical and/or psychological needs of persons which can transform in serious damage of health or development, for example insufficient food, shelter and clothes or carelessly attitude and irresponsibility towards basic emotional needs. Neglecting can consist in unconcern of mother during pregnancy, using alcohol and drugs, as well insufficient care to child or adult with disabilities.

Emotional abuse

Constant emotional maltreatment which reflects to emotional development and condition. Actions, connected with emotional abuse can include a ban of free movement, humiliation, condescension, harassment (including cyber bullying), bullying, intimidation, discrimination, derision and other forms of treatment based on rejection or hostility.

Monitoring and evaluation

1 The Board, staff and volunteers have overall responsibility for the safeguarding policy and procedure for ensuring that all children, young people and vulnerable adults involved in a way with BFPA are protected and assisted;
2 The policy for protection and support of children, young people and vulnerable adults is integrated in organizational risk assessment an annual reports.
3 Risk assessment for children, young people and vulnerable adults is in advance foreseen as an integral part of developing programmes and projects, also in all activities of BFPA. Strategies for avoiding and/or reducing the potential risk are developing in case of need and in process of work.
4 All staff members, whose job description includes task on youth programs and vulnerable youth and adults programs (youth coordinators, managers of youth programs, coordinators of programs for young people with learning or physical disabilities, service providers, trainers, peer educators volunteers etc) are involved and responsible together with the Management Board, Executive Director and Senior staff for the review and update of the policy and procedure at least in every 3 years;

Management responsibilities

1 To promote the BFPA safeguarding and protecting young people policy and procedures and to ensure that all members are aware of their responsibilities;
2. To introduce to staff members the principles of this Policy to Protect and Support for working with or for children, young people and vulnerable adults as part of the procedure on recruitment and placement and to ensure that all members of the Association are familiar with their duties and responsibilities.
3. To strengthen commitment to and support for the sexual and reproductive health and rights and needs of young people and vulnerable adults;
4. To promote participation of young people and vulnerable adults in governance, youth-adult partnership and in the identification, development and management of programs that affect them;
5. Currently to give information and knowledge and train its staff on protection and support of the children, young people and vulnerable adults.
6.  To increase access to comprehensive, youth friendly, gender-sensitive comprehensive sexuality education and safe SRH services and counselling;
7. To reduce gender-related barriers and practices which affect the sexual and reproductive health and rights of young people and vulnerable adults;
8. Create safe and comfortable environment for young people and vulnerable adults.
9. Management is responsible to aware new employees about the policy starting from the recruiting moment;
10. By signing working agreement with company new employees (and retrospectively all employees) should confirm the agreement with policy and with the new updates of the policy.
11. To inform partners about the principles of the current policy when signing agreements for mutual activities, as well to require from them their keeping.

Confidentiality principles

1. General provisions: BFPA’s staff and those working for BFPA’s partners shall safeguard all confidential information obtained during the course of their work. Except in cases where there are concerns that the abuse of children is taking place, BFPA’s staff and those working for BFPA’s partners shall disclose confidential information to others only with the informed written consent of the client and/or service user.
2. Keeping and sharing confidential information: Confidential information should be shared for professional purposes only. This applies to both staff and volunteers and is valid also when information is shared outside BFPA and the organizations BFPA works with and for. All confidential information should be saved and kept locked.  Access can be granted only to authorised people who are given this right by law and to colleagues who need it for professional purposes.
3. Limited access to client and/or service users’ records: BFPA’s staff and those working for BFPA’s partners shall limit access to clients and/or service users’ records and shall ensure that all persons working under their authority are familiar with the confidentiality requirements related to these records.
4. Multi-disciplinary working: When rendering services as part of a multi-disciplinary team, if the service-provider shares confidential information about the client and/or service user when so authorized by the client, the service provider shall advise all persons receiving the information that the information should be maintained in a confidential manner.
5. Disguising confidential information: Attempts should be made where possible to use non-real cases in training, books and publications in order to illustrate the type of work undertaken with clients and/or service users. When case reports or other confidential information are used as the basis of training, research or other published reports, BFPA’s staff and those working for BFPA’s partners shall exercise reasonable care to ensure that the reported material is appropriately disguised to prevent client and/or service user identification.
6. Confidentiality after termination of professional relationship: BFPA’s staff and those working for BFPA’s partners shall continue to treat information regarding clients and/or service users as confidential after the professional relationship between the individuals and/or the organizations providing the services and the clients and/or service users has ceased.

Key Rules and regulations

BFPA board, staff and volunteers, as well as partners of BFPA should:

• at all times treat children, young people and vulnerable adults  with respect and recognize them as individuals in their own rights
• value children young people and vulnerable adults as individuals who have specific needs and rights and value views and take them seriously
• work with children, young people and vulnerable adults in a spirit of co-operation and youth-adult partnership based on mutual trust and respect
• work with children young people and vulnerable adults  in ways that enhance their inherent capacities and develop their potential
• strive to understand children young people and vulnerable adults  within the context in which they live.

BFPA board, staff and volunteers, as well as partners of BFPA should NEVER:

• never physically / psychologically abuse children young people and vulnerable adults
• never hit children young people and vulnerable adults as a form of discipline
• never develop physical/ sexual relationships with children young people and vulnerable adults 
• never develop exploitative or abusive relationships with children young people and vulnerable adults
• never act in ways that may be abusive or may place children young people and vulnerable adults at risk of abuse
• never behave physically in a manner which is inappropriate or sexually provocative
• never condone, or participate in, behavior of children young people and vulnerable adults, which is illegal, unsafe or abusive
• never act in ways intended to shame, humiliate belittle or degrade children young people and vulnerable adults, or otherwise perpetrate any form of emotional abuse
• never discriminate against, show differential treatment, or favour particular children young people and vulnerable adults to the exclusion of others.
• never make photographs or video footage without the consent of the children young people and vulnerable adults and/or their families or legal guardians and wherever possible, the likely use of the images should be explained.

In case of identifying a serious infringements of rules and regulations connected with the safety of children, young people and vulnerable adults, the staff of BFPA fills Reporting Procedure Form and informs the Board.

The information on protection and support the children, young people and vulnerable adults can be found on the BFPA webpage.

Policy on volunteer’s recruitment and development and on youth involvement

The relevance of BFPA volunteers strategy  is to create a safe environment for volunteers, empower them, and equip with responsibilities requiring to be prudent and reliable, to carry out tasks to the best of his her ability, to respect confidentiality of clients, to be loyal to the association, to accept guidance and criticism, to maintain good working relationships with other members in the team, both volunteers and staff, to be willing to learns and participate as full team member, to be accountable, transparent and available.

The Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association (BFPA)

Policy on volunteer’s recruitment and development and on youth involvement1. The relevance of BFPA volunteers strategy  is to create a safe environment for volunteers, empower them, and equip with responsibilities requiring to be prudent and reliable, to carry out tasks to the best of his her ability, to respect confidentiality of clients, to be loyal to the association, to accept guidance and criticism, to maintain good working relationships with other members in the team, both volunteers and staff, to be willing to learns and participate as full team member, to be accountable, transparent and available.
2. BFPA is a non-governmental organization registered in public benefit that was founded by volunteers. Volunteer is a member of the Association that offers his/her time, commitment and services to the organization free of charge.

 3. Volunteering should be based on the following principles:
• dignity,
• respect,
• non discrimination,
• equity,
• accountability
4.  Volunteerism work in practice, basic: communication, incentives, recruitment, managem BFPA is having in its work a special focus on youth empowerment, youth-adult partnership and peer education and thus the role of the young people in BFPA is unique and the recruitment, support and motivation of young volunteers is integral part of its work. Encouragement plays a crucial role in the commitment and experience and capacity building of young volunteers.
5. The leadership of BFPA as per its statutes is provided by its volunteers via its governing bodies – General Assembly and Management Board. BFPA is committed to protect and reinforce voluntarism as the primary characteristic of its structure. To ensure continuing sound leadership, the Association encourages involvement of experts from a wide range of disciplines with variety of competencies to volunteer their services and to involve young people and women in leadership capacity.
6. BFPA is committed to maintain a wide and diversified membership based and to maximize the availability of existing volunteers and recruiting also new members and encourages representatives of the target groups of the Association other that young people, including vulnerable, underserved and marginalized groups representatives  to apply and become BFPA volunteers. Organization is also recruiting volunteers from different regions of the country, urban and rural.

Volunteer Recruitment

7. Every candidate for volunteer is encouraged to apply for membership with written application. The Management Board approves new volunteers and gives feedback on in no longer than one month after the last MB meeting.
8. Volunteers pay annual membership fee stated by the Management board. Volunteers under 18 and those with social conditions pay 50 % of the annual fee. 
9. Volunteers are recruited on the basis of their readiness to make a contribution to the development of the organizations work and the issues for which it exists to advocate and defend. Volunteers are supposed to actively participate in the activities on the basis of the expertise, time and willingness they offer to organizational work. Volunteers are not paid, but expenses that occur in connection with activities they perform in connection with BFPA goals and strategies shall be remunerated. Incentives given follow IPPF Policies.
10. BFPA MB and staff put special efforts to widen the voluntary participation. The voluntary contribution is always taken into account and integrated into the planning process when the annual work plan is developed. This enables the volunteers to be more involved in and contribute to the organization at all levels. Volunteers have a general job description.

Rights and responsibilities of Volunteers:

1. Volunteers must be motivated and must be provided with adequate working conditions. (Giving on time and in place incentives);
2. Young volunteers must be encouraged to apply for the Governing bodies of the Association;
3. Volunteers are able to become members of the governing body, if she/he is volunteer of the organization at least 1 year and when she/he is 18 years or older. Young volunteers are considered those under 25. Young members of the MB are those hwo were under 25 at the moment oft heir election by the GA;
4. The form ation of youth groups in country shall be supported;
5. Collaboration with existing youth organization for better involvement of youth nationally and internationally should be encouraged;
6. Volunteers are committed to BFPA strategic documents – strategic plan, statutes , values and policies and non-discriminaroty treatment of its members and constituency.
7. Volunteers volunteering their services to the Association shall not receive any payment for those services except for expenses incurred.
8. The work of volunteers is valued and appreciated. Volunteers have the right to choose the type of work they will perform. Volunteers are not in the organization in order to fill gaps no one wants to fulfill.
9. BFPA involves young (and all) volunteers in all aspects of work, not only in implementation and not for showing youth/volunteers presence. Young (and other) volunteers are not tokens, they are part of the management (including financial), governance and strategies and projects design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.
10. BFPA tries to provide opportunities for training, capacity building and development of volunteers as part of its sustaining of already recruited volunteers
Volunteer Job Descriptions

1. The volunteer accepts and has clear understanding on its roles, rights and responsibilities based on BFPA policies and strategic documents
2. The volunteer has a staff member she/he reports to and can refer to and receive information and support at erlier convenience
3. The volunteer has a working place for the parts of his work that requires such.
4. The volunteer has timeframe of the scope of its activities that can change accordingly to availability and BFPA needs
5. The volunteer has clear tasks, and is aware of the monitoring and evaluation mechanisms needed for its working performances.
6. The volunteers are encouraged to teamwork and are enhanced to establish friendly and cooperative relationship with other volunteers and have smooth communication with staff and volunteers.
7. Volunteers provide support during community activities, especially in their own communities and target groups
8. Volunteers support and encourage peers and experts in performing activities in collaboration with other providers
9. Volunteers progress and achievements are subject of appraisal and are communicated via various channels. 

Other rules and regulations

1. Association encourages involvement of its volunteer youth networks, in regional IPPF structures, and any other networks BFPA is a member of by:
• Giving information about the networks
• Giving information about upcoming national and international events
• Providing logistical support

2. The main strategy to the recruitment of volunteers and especially youth is
• to provide them with the rights to be considered and equal members of the team,
• to be kept informed,
• to be given appropriate and well defined assignments
• to receive orientation and training for the job he/she is assigned to do,
• to be given guidance and direction,
• to be respected and recognized,
• to have clear procedures for reimbursement of expenses of travel.

3. The MB members and volunteers can not apply for any paid position within the Association, unless they have tendered their resignation and at least 12 months has passed;
4. Volunteers respect the conflict of interests policy of BFPA together with staff and MB membes.
Approved by the Management board and AGM July 2018

Policy for avoiding conflicts of interests

The Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association (BFPA) is against  the existence of conflicts of interests within and concerning the activities of the Association. The present document is mandatory for all Board members, employees and consultants of the BFPA.

Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association (BFPA)

Policy for avoiding conflicts of interests 

For members of the Board, staff and consultants of the Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association (BFPA)

The Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association (BFPA) is against  the existence of conflicts of interests within and concerning the activities of the Association. The present document is mandatory for all Board members, employees and consultants of the BFPA.

For the purposes of this document:

Connected person is every physical and legal entity, state authority or international organization in regards to which employees, consultants and Board members have a financial connection or are members of governing bodies, directors, employees, experts or other representatives.

Transactions with connected persons are agreements of any character (incl. employment or consultation contracts) which are concluded with connected persons and create a situation of conflict of interests.

Conflict of interests is every interest or intent of employees, consultants and Board members which contradict the interests or intents of the BFPA

The aim of this policy is:

A. to not allow transactions with connected persons unless they are beneficial for  the organization
B. to solve conflicts of interests in accordance with the determined procedure; and
C. to provide information to BFPA about the connections and activities of its Board members, employees and consultants which contradict the interests or purposes of the BFPA.

Basic considerations

1. Every Board member, key staff and long-term consultant is obliged to disclose in full to the BFPA all facts in respect to relations which he/she might have with other non-profit organizations as well as with organizations, institutions or persons which
 i) have similar, competing or other interests which are in conflict with the purposes of the BFPA (incl. competing with BFPA in funding application);
 ii) ensure funding for BFPA;
iii) are relevant to pharmaceutical or other companies which provide contraceptives, medications or equipment to BFPA or
iiii) receive funding from BFPA. The full disclosure of such facts may be limited by existing legal or other preceding confidentiality liabilities for which BFPA is timely informed.

2. Every Board member, key staff and long-term consultant is obliged to provide information for potential transactions or activities from which a conflict of interests may arise or can be defined as transactions with connected persons as well as such which are competing with BFPA’s activities and projects.

3. Every Board member, staff and consultant assumes that they will not use or disclose to third parties secret and confidential information about the BFPA, unless there exists a legal obligation for providing such information. Secrets and confidential information include, but are not limited to, details regarding BFPA’s projects and contracts and all other information concerning confidential data about BFPA’s activities.


1. Each year the BFPA Board member, key staff and long-term consultants shall provide a written declaration about their involvement in non-profit organizations and point out possible cases of conflict of interests. They will update this information as soon as they are aware of existing or potential conflict of interests.

2. The declarations for conflict of interests of the employees and consultants will be reviewed by the Executive Director, and those of the Board members – by the Chairman of the Board who assesses the existence of conflict of interests and takes action for resolving it.

If BFPA assumes the existence of conflict of interests which ought to be resolved, the respective person undertakes the obligation to solve the conflict of interests. The Executive Director and Board may propose ways of avoiding the conflict of interests. In case the conflict of interests is not solved in a satisfactory for BFPA fashion, the organization reserves the right to undertake all legal or other actions for the purpose of removing the conflict of interests.

HIV/AIDS and PLHIV workplace policies

The goal of BFPA is to promote a progressive policy which supports People Living with HIV (PLHIV) as well as to ensure supportive and safe conditions for voluntary HIV counseling and testing, protecting the clients’ rights


1. The Bulgarian Family Planning Association (BFPA) has elaborated and presented to the Board for approval HIV/AIDS Policies and Procedures which reflect its basic values as an organization respecting and protecting human rights. The goal of BFPA is to promote a progressive policy which supports People Living with HIV (PLHIV) as well as to ensure supportive and safe conditions for voluntary HIV counseling and testing, protecting the clients’ rights


2 (a) BFPA want its team, service providers and volunteers to be informed and educated on the subject of HIV/AIDS. The BFPA team is expected to support and promote a working environment which contributes to the principles of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) – “Active involvement of people living with HIV/AIDS” as well as “Ensuring optimal conditions for service provision in the field of sexual and reproductive health”
   (b) BFPA, as well as IPPF, would like to ensure a supportive and caring work conditions for the staff members who are infected or affected by HIV/AIDS. BFPA’s aim is to remove the workplace stigma and discrimination, based on real or suspected HIV status or potential vulnerability towards the HIV infection.  


3. These Policies and procedures concern the team, partners and volunteers.

Confidentiality and disclosing of information

4. (a) IPPF, respectively BFPA encourage a supportive work environment in which the team and clients can openly discuss HIV/AIDS, including their own experience of living with HIV/AIDS. If a staff member discloses that they or a member of their family are living with HIV/AIDS, confidentiality will be respected in regard of the circumstances of the disclosing of the information. In case of any doubt whatsoever, the staff member, living with HIV/AIDS, will be counseled before any disclosing of the information.
    (b) By the “Active involvement of people living with HIV/AIDS” principle IPPF wants to outline the special role and the important contribution of the staff members who have disclosed their HIV status when addressing the challenges of living with HIV.
    (c) The staff members are not obligated to disclose their HIV status to BFPA management or their colleagues
    (d) Any information concerning the HIV status of a personnel member which has come to the knowledge of BFPA management will be strictly confidential and will not be disclosed without consent from the personnel member concerned.
    (e) Information, concerning the HIV status of clients, staff members, members of their families or job applicants will be strictly confidential.
    (f) Confidentiality of the HIV status of a staff member should be abided at any time by all BFPA staff members. Every breach of confidentiality will be viewed upon as a disciplinary violation. 

Stigma and discrimination

5 (a) In accordance with BFPA’s Equal opportunities policy all personnel memebers will be treated equally, independent of their age, health status, gender, family responsibilities, family status, nationality, race, religion or sexual orientation.
   (b) BFPA should not discriminate in any way personnel members on the basis of an actual or suspected HIV status.
   (c) Living with HIV/AIDS will not be a reason for excluding a candidate from the work process in case they’re able to perform their duties from a medical point of view. This will not be a reason for illegibility of the candidate for a raise, training or self improvement or any other opportunity if they are fit from a medical point of view for the position or opportunity.
   (d) The BFPA team, after the example of the IPPF team, is encouraged to undertake the necessary steps to actively promote a discrimination-free work environment and specifically – to protect the rights of personnel members, living with HIV/AIDS. (See section 7)
   (e) No discrimination of a staff member living with HIV/AIDS from another staff member will be tolerated. Such a conduct will be the subject of disciplinary measures in accordance with the Disciplinary policy of the IPPF. Discrimination includes but is not limited to spreading rumours about a colleague’s HIV status or refusal to work with a personnel member living with HIV/AIDS.

Education and training

6. (a) As a part of the employment process BFPA ensures for its new and current staff members training and information about HIV/AIDS. BFPA offers a two-hour training for newcomers and has the opportunity to renew it for new volunteers every four months.
    (b) The training includes basic information about HIV/AIDS, prevention of HIV infection, universal means of protection, legal and ethical matters, gender and sexuality, stigma and discrimination, treatment, care and support. The goal of BFPA is to reflect the needs of its team as consultants and BFPA as an organization. Attending training sessions is strongly encouraged.
    (c) BFPA encourages all personnel members to educate themselves about the rights concerning HIV/AIDS and related matters. In accord with that BFPA management will give all staff members the opportunity to receive an education about HIV/AIDS in a supportive environment.
    (d) BFPA provides free condoms if wanted for its clients, available at the reception.

Voluntary counseling and testing (VCT), follow-up and treatment

7 (a) BFPA does not require HIV testing for work applicants or current staff. No employee (temporary or full-time), consultant, volunteer, partner or new employee will be asked to undergo a HIV test or disclose their HIV status in order to be employed, take part in BFPA initiatives or receive services, nor it will be a condition for a transfer or a raise. HIV testing, however, might be a condition when applying for a visa. In such a case the decision is up to the employee.
   (b) BFPA supplies to all above-mentioned the necessary information on protection from HIV infection. Information is presented by the fore-mentioned training sessions.
   (c) BFPA encourages all of the above-mentioned to undergo VCT by supplying information about suitable services and ensures access to those services.
   (d) The staff and consultants have access to information about specialized clinics for treatment of urinary system as well as other organizations which offer counseling and advice on HIV/AIDS.
   (e) All team PLHIV members will be given a reasonable amount of leave to undergo VCT, follow-up and treatment sessions where and when necessary.

Support for members of staff living or affected by HIV/AIDS

8 (a) In order to gain access to specific benefits, mentioned in sections 9, 10, 11 of these Policies and procedures, staff members living with HIV/AIDS will have to disclose confidential information to a certain staff member responsible for the  health and the well-being of staff members.
    (b) BFPA staff members, living with or affected by HIV/AIDS and those who have such concerns, are encouraged to discuss their concerns and receive information.

Social benefits

9(a) All contractual terms, including sick leave, vacation, leave concerning a family member will be applied equally for all staff members, including the ones living with HIV/AIDS.
   (b) In some cases and at the discretion of BFPA, i.e. in connection with sick leave, extra benefits might be offered to staff members living with HIV.
   (c) A staff member s affected by HIV when a close family member (offspring, parent, partner, brother/sister, spouse) is living with HIV/AIDS. In such a case the staff member has the right of extra days of leave for family reasons.


10 (a) Disability might be applied when a staff member cannot fulfill their obligations due to a disease, i.e. HIV/AIDS.
      (b) Disability on the basis of the disease or trauma may be temporary or constant. If a staff member cannot fulfill his obligations temporarily, the degree of the disability r trauma will be scrutinized and application of practical and reasonable changes  will be considered.
      (c) If the disability leads to a sickness absence, the staff member has a right to sick leave as stated in the Labour code. When a staff member has exhausted their sick leave, they can apply for extra sick leave in accordance with these Policies. 

Due compensation

11 (a) As HIV/AIDS is a disease, BFPA will ensure a realistic due compensation for staff members LHIV.
     (b) An authorized employee together with the personnel member LHIV, will access the extent to which the staff member LHIV can fulfill his work duties.
     (c) BFPA will do everything possible to satisfy claims by staff members LHIV for flexible work conditions in accordance with IPPF’s Policies and procedures for flexible working conditions.
     (d) Staff members LHIV will be entitled to flexible working hours which will allow for an extra break to cope wit exhaustion and all other side effects, connected with HIV.
     (e) In case the staff members LHIV need a personal assistant, they will be entitled to change their working hours in accordance with appointments in connection with their health.
     (f) When a staff member LHIV cannot fulfill their duties, a suitable alternative position for them will be sought.
     (g) BFPA will ensure the necessary training for the staff member to undertake their new duties.

Travelling procedure

12 (a) In accordance with IPPF’s Travel policy, BFPA ensures full insurance coverage for all staff members when travelling on business, independent of their HIV status. (Pls, see section 9(d) of this document)
      (b) BFPA will do everything possible to make reasonable changes for staff members LHIV travelling abroad to countries which apply measures unsuitable for PLHIV (i.e. – when possible, moving the location to a country which does not apply such policies) if they choose to disclose to BFPA their HIV status of PLHIV

Complaints procedure

13 (a) When a staff member or a client has a HIV/AIDS-related complaint, standard IPPF staff complaint procedures apply. 
     (b) Where possible, the right of confidentiality will be respected when reviewing HIV/AIDS – related complaints.

Occupational hazards

14 (a) BFPA will present and maintain, as much as possible, a safe working environment which is hazard–free and does not endanger the health of staff members. BFPA will take all possible precautionary measures to create a healthy work environment for PLHIV. BFPA has staff, trained in CPR. It is an obligation for CPR-trained staff members to be familiar with these Policies and procedures, so that they are able to advise and counsel about the available information and the support that can be given. 

Review of the BFPA’s Policies and procedures in connection with HIV/AIDS and PLHIV

15 (a) The Policies and procedures will be reviewed on a yearly basis and updated where and if needed.
(b) The executive director bears full responsibility for the application of the Policies and procedures in connection with HIV/AIDS and PLHIV
(c) The Policies and procedures will be updated to contain all changes in the national legislature as well as regulations or good practice guidelines of EU, IPPF, WHO and the other UN structures.

Approved by the Management board on February 2009

Non Discrimination and Equal Opportunities Policy

The framework of non-discrimination prohibits any distinction, exclusion or restriction on the basis of age; sex; sexual orientation; marital status; race; color; ethnicity; language; religion; political or other opinion; national, geographical or social origin; physical or mental disability; health status, including HIV; and civil, political, social or other status; which has the purpose or effect of impairing or nullifying the recognition, enjoyment or exercise on an equal basis with others, of all human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural, civil or any other field.

Non Discrimination

1. BFPA in all its history, as member of relevant national and international networks such as IPPF, the National Network for children and the National Platform for International development supports core values, believes in social justice, and understands that a framework of non-discrimination underlies all human rights protection and promotion.
2. The framework of non-discrimination prohibits any distinction, exclusion or restriction on the basis of age; sex; sexual orientation; marital status; race; color; ethnicity; language; religion; political or other opinion; national, geographical or social origin; physical or mental disability; health status, including HIV; and civil, political, social or other status; which has the purpose or effect of impairing or nullifying the recognition, enjoyment or exercise on an equal basis with others, of all human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural, civil or any other field.

3. The Association fully accepts the basic principles of sexual rights as one of the Basic Human rights and considers as issue of discrimination and gender inequality the unequal access to cultural, economic, political or social rights such as sexual and reproductive health services, comprehensive health abd sexuality education.
4. The Association rejects any form of sexual violence, abuse or exploitation which impair a person’s enjoyment of rights on an equal footing with others.
5. Equality requires every individual to enjoy fundamental rights and freedoms on an equal basis with others. This may require that particular attention be paid to vulnerable, marginalized and under-served groups.
6. BFPA works for better and equal access for all and to sexual and reproductive health and rights.
7. BFPA believes in social justice and challenges all forms of discrimination especially that based on sex, age, social class, disability, HIV status, sexual orientation, religion, race and ethnicity.
8. BFPA works to support young people, both girls and boys to fulfill their potential and become active members of their societies and recognizes the need to understand better their needs, and to address those needs by directing resources through its program work in order to improve their positions in society.
9. Non-discrimination is an important principle that forms the basis of BFPA strategies. The Association takes as the foundation of our practice the UN Convention on Human Rights and IPPF Declaration on Sexual Rights to work to eliminate gender discrimination in societies at all levels.
10. BFPA strives to provide an environment free of discrimination and harassment, where all individuals are treated with respect and dignity can contribute fully and have equal opportunities.

Equal opportunities

1. Goal: to support the achievement of equal opportunities of women and men and ensure access to the SRHR services equally.
2. Ensure women equal participation with men in the working processes of the Association, including governing bodies and senior staff
3. Gender equality is a crosscutting issue and as such must be considered as an integral part of BFPA policies, programs and projects. Addressing gender equality as a crosscutting goal requires that women views, interests and needs shape the Association works as much as men, and that the organization supports progress towards more equal relations between women and men with special emphasis on Young People.
4. Achieving gender equality does not mean that women become the same as men and vice versa. Equality means that ones rights or opportunities do not depend on being male or female
5. Support women and girls and vulnerable groups in the realization of their full human rights via:
• providing training and education to make sure everyone knows their rights and responsibilities
• Identifying marginalized groups of the population and promoting access to services
• regularly monitoring organizational systems for barriers
• promoting non discrimination during the working on all levels of the organization (including: implementing projects   and its activities, promoting services and etc
• Promoting appropriate standards of conduct at all times
• Empower vulnerable groups and improve their capacity and opportunities
6. Achieving equal opportunities requires the recognition that every policy, program and project affects women and men. Supporting men’s health and engaging and involving participation of men and boys is as essential as engaging women and girls.
7. BFPA believes that every individual should enjoy the equal rights and makes contribution to elimination of any kind of discrimination based on the gender roles and power relations attitude towards girls and women. No distinction should be made for opportunities such as division of labor, education access to health care and sociali benefits. No person should be the victim of violence, abuse or exploitation, as per the concept of non discrimination.

Approved by the Management board and the AGM July 2018

Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association © 2024